Celestin Apprentice 5
Source Code
TransSkel 3.24
C Demos
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621 lines
* DialogSkel - TransSkel modeless dialog demonstration.
* 21 Apr 88 Version 1.00 Paul DuBois
* 29 Jan 89 Version 1.01
* - Conversion for TransSkel 2.0.
* 07 Jan 91 Version 1.02
* - Conversion for TransSkel 3.00.
* 05 Jun 93 Version 1.03
* - Fixed to compile under THINK C 6.0.
* 09 Oct 93
* - Catches suspend/resume events, hides/shows dialogs when these occur.
* 19 Nov 93
* - Does better job on suspend/resume. Rather than using HideWindow() and
* ShowWindow(), uses ShowHide() to preserve stacking order.
* - Added regular document window to provide contrast in handling during
* suspend/resume and to provide a way to bring the application forward by
* clicking in a window. (With just dialogs, all the windows are hidden
* on a suspend.)
* - Added menu hook to disable Edit menu items when document window is
* frontmost, since editing doesn't apply to it.
* - Added Close item to File menu.
* 09 Dec 93
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.05.
* - Flush mouse down on activate when document window wasn't frontmost
* to preserve stacking order.
* 30 Dec 93
* - Fixed bug where closing modeless window by clicking close box caused
* Visible checkbox to be unchecked in partner, but closing by selecting
* Close from File menu didn't.
* 31 Dec 93
* - Junked all the dialog item manipulation routines and replaced by calls
* to the equivalent routines that now make up part of the auxiliary
* component of TransSkel (these routines are new in TS 3.06).
* 18 Dec 93
* - Ditto for new 3.07 routines.
* 11 Feb 94
* - Minor revisions.
* 21 Feb 94
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.11.
* 23 Apr 94
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.13.
* - Since the document window is growable, draw the grow region, which wasn't
* being done before.
* 27 Apr 94
* - Added filter function for modeless dialogs.
* - Track cursor in edit text item and change to I-beam when inside.
* - Map return/enter to hits in the Accept button. Draw bold outline around
* button.
* - Controls in dialogs go inactive when window is deactivated. Added
* 'dctb' resource for the dialog windows so inactive controls draw in better
* gray on color monitors.
* 04 Nov 94
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.18 (Support for Universal headers, PowerPC,
* Metrowerks).
* 21 Mar 95
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.19.
# include "TransSkel.h"
# define normalHilite 0
# define dimHilite 255
typedef enum /* menu ID numbers */
fileMenuID = skelAppleMenuID + 1,
typedef enum
mDlogRes = 1000,
aboutAlrtRes, /* About... alert resource number */
docWindRes = 1000
typedef enum /* File menu item numbers */
showDlog1 = 1,
typedef enum /* Edit menu item numbers */
undo = 1,
typedef enum /* dialog item numbers */
button1 = 1,
static pascal void DrawIcon (DialogPtr dlog, short item);
static DialogPtr mDlog1;
static DialogPtr mDlog2;
static WindowPtr docWind;
static short iconNum1 = 0;
static short iconNum2 = 0;
static MenuHandle fileMenu;
static MenuHandle editMenu;
* Set up a variable to point to the icon drawing procedure. For 68K code this
* is just a direct pointers to DrawIcon(). For PowerPC code it is a
* routine descriptor into which the address of DrawIcon() is stuffed.
# if skelPPC /* PowerPC code */
static RoutineDescriptor drawDesc =
BUILD_ROUTINE_DESCRIPTOR(uppUserItemProcInfo, DrawIcon);
static UserItemUPP drawIconProc = (UserItemUPP) &drawDesc;
# else /* 68K code */
static UserItemUPP drawIconProc = DrawIcon;
# endif
/* ------------------- */
/* Miscellaneous stuff */
/* ------------------- */
static pascal void
DrawIcon (DialogPtr dlog, short item)
Handle h;
Rect r;
SkelGetDlogRect (dlog, item, &r);
h = GetIcon (dlog == mDlog1 ? iconNum1 : iconNum2);
PlotIcon (&r, h);
static void
SetDlogRadio (DialogPtr dlog, short item)
DialogPtr partner;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
Rect r;
partner = (DialogPtr) GetWRefCon (dlog);
SkelSetDlogRadioButtonSet (dlog, radio1, radio3, item);
if (partner == mDlog1)
iconNum1 = item - radio1;
iconNum2 = item - radio1;
SkelGetDlogRect (partner, user1, &r);
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (partner);
InvalRect (&r); /* invalidate item rect to generate update event */
SetPort (tmpPort);
/* ---------------------------------------- */
/* Dialog window setup and handler routines */
/* ---------------------------------------- */
static pascal Boolean
DlogFilter (DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *evt, short *item)
Boolean result = false;
short hilite;
char c;
Str255 str;
* Dim Accept button if edit string is empty. This must be checked
* on every event, not just null events. Otherwise, if the user
* clears the string and immediately clicks Accept, there would be
* no intervening null event and the button would be active for the
* click.
* Always dim button if this is a deactivate or the dialog isn't
* frontmost.
SkelGetDlogStr (dlog, edit1, str);
hilite = (str[0] == 0 ? dimHilite : normalHilite);
if (evt->what == activateEvt && (evt->modifiers & activeFlag) == 0)
hilite = dimHilite;
if (dlog != FrontWindow ())
hilite = dimHilite;
if (SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, button1, hilite)) /* did button change state? */
SkelDrawButtonOutline (SkelGetDlogCtl (dlog, button1));
switch (evt->what)
case nullEvent:
SkelSetDlogCursor (dlog);
case keyDown:
if (SkelDlogMapKeyToButton (dlog, evt, item, button1, 0))
result = true;
case updateEvt:
SkelDrawButtonOutline (SkelGetDlogCtl (dlog, button1));
case activateEvt:
/* Accept button and outline are set above. Set other controls here. */
hilite = (evt->modifiers & activeFlag ? normalHilite : dimHilite);
(void) SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, radio1, hilite);
(void) SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, radio2, hilite);
(void) SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, radio3, hilite);
(void) SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, check1, hilite);
(void) SkelSetDlogCtlHilite (dlog, check2, hilite);
return (result);
static pascal void
DlogSelect (DialogPtr actor, short item)
DialogPtr partner;
Str255 title;
short value;
partner = (DialogPtr) GetWRefCon (actor);
switch (item)
case button1:
SkelGetDlogStr (actor, edit1, title);
SetWTitle (partner, title);
/* set radio buttons */
case radio1:
case radio2:
case radio3:
SetDlogRadio (actor, item);
/* flip check boxes */
case check1:
if (SkelToggleDlogCtlValue (actor, item))
ShowWindow (partner);
HideWindow (partner);
case check2:
value = SkelToggleDlogCtlValue (actor, item);
((WindowPeek) partner)->goAwayFlag = (char) (value ? 255 : 0);
static pascal void
DlogClose (void)
DialogPtr actor, partner;
GetPort (&actor);
partner = (DialogPtr) GetWRefCon (actor);
HideWindow (actor);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (partner, check1, 0);
static pascal void
DlogClobber (void)
DialogPtr dlog;
GetPort (&dlog);
DisposeDialog (dlog);
static DialogPtr
DemoDialog (StringPtr title, short h, short v)
DialogPtr dlog;
dlog = GetNewDialog (mDlogRes, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
MoveWindow (dlog, h, v, false);
SetWTitle (dlog, title);
(void) SkelDialog (dlog, DlogFilter, DlogSelect, DlogClose, DlogClobber);
return (dlog);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
/* Document window setup and handler routines */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
static pascal void
DocUpdate (Boolean resized)
static pascal void
DocActivate (Boolean active)
static pascal void
DocClobber (void)
HideWindow (docWind);
DisposeWindow (docWind);
static void
DocWindow (short h, short v)
if (SkelQuery (skelQHasColorQD))
docWind = GetNewCWindow (docWindRes, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
docWind = GetNewWindow (docWindRes, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
(void) SkelWindow (docWind, nil, nil, DocUpdate, DocActivate, nil,
DocClobber, nil, false);
MoveWindow (docWind, h, v, false);
/* ------------- */
/* Menu handlers */
/* ------------- */
* Handle selection of About... item from Apple menu
static pascal void
DoAppleMenu (short item)
(void) SkelAlert (aboutAlrtRes, SkelDlogFilter (nil, true),
SkelRmveDlogFilter ();
* File menu handler
static pascal void
DoFileMenu (short item)
switch (item)
case showDlog1:
SelectWindow (mDlog1);
ShowWindow (mDlog1);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog2, check1, 1);
case showDlog2:
SelectWindow (mDlog2);
ShowWindow (mDlog2);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog1, check1, 1);
case showDoc:
SelectWindow (docWind);
ShowWindow (docWind);
case closeWind:
SkelClose (FrontWindow ());
case quit:
SkelStopEventLoop ();
* Handle Edit menu
static pascal void
DoEditMenu (short item)
DialogPtr dlog;
if (SystemEdit (item - 1)) /* if DA handled operation, return */
/* if front window is document window, do nothing */
dlog = (DialogPtr) FrontWindow ();
if (((WindowPeek) dlog)->windowKind != dialogKind)
switch (item)
case cut:
DialogCut (dlog);
(void) ZeroScrap ();
(void) TEToScrap ();
case copy:
DialogCopy (dlog);
(void) ZeroScrap ();
(void) TEToScrap ();
case paste:
(void) TEFromScrap ();
DialogPaste (dlog);
case clear:
DialogDelete (dlog);
* Adjust menus when mouse click occurs in menu bar, before
* menus are shown.
static pascal void
AdjustMenus (void)
WindowPtr w = FrontWindow ();
if (w == (WindowPtr) nil)
DisableItem (fileMenu, closeWind);
EnableItem (fileMenu, closeWind);
if (w == docWind)
DisableItem (editMenu, undo);
DisableItem (editMenu, cut);
DisableItem (editMenu, copy);
DisableItem (editMenu, paste);
DisableItem (editMenu, clear);
/* modeless dialog or DA -- dim undo for dialogs */
if (((WindowPeek) w)->windowKind == dialogKind)
DisableItem (editMenu, undo);
EnableItem (editMenu, undo);
EnableItem (editMenu, cut);
EnableItem (editMenu, copy);
EnableItem (editMenu, paste);
EnableItem (editMenu, clear);
/* ---------------------- */
/* Suspend/resume handler */
/* ---------------------- */
* On a suspend, hide the dialog windows and deactivate the frontmost window
* if there is one. Normally the system will unhilite the front window, but
* since hiding the dialogs may cause the document window to be hilited, it's
* necessary to unhilite whatever window's frontmost after hiding the windows.
* Similarly, on an activate, the system may hilite the frontmost window, but
* but showing the dialogs may result in a new frontmost window, which then
* needs to be hilited. If the document window was not frontmost when the
* suspend occurred, the system will also generate a mouse click to bring it
* forward. To preserve the stacking order, suck the mouse click out of the
* event queue.
static pascal void
SuspendResume (Boolean inForeground)
WindowPtr w;
EventRecord event;
static Boolean hidden1;
static Boolean hidden2;
if (!inForeground)
hidden1 = hidden2 = false;
if (((WindowPeek) mDlog1)->visible)
ShowHide (mDlog1, false);
hidden1 = true;
if (((WindowPeek) mDlog2)->visible)
ShowHide (mDlog2, false);
hidden2 = true;
if ((w = FrontWindow ()) != (WindowPtr) nil)
HiliteWindow (w, false);
SkelActivate (w, false);
if ((w = FrontWindow ()) != (WindowPtr) nil)
HiliteWindow (w, false);
if (hidden1)
ShowHide (mDlog1, true);
if (hidden2)
ShowHide (mDlog2, true);
if ((w = FrontWindow ()) != (WindowPtr) nil)
HiliteWindow (w, true);
SkelActivate (w, true);
if (EventAvail (mDownMask, &event))
(void) GetNextEvent (mDownMask, &event);
/* ------------ */
/* Main program */
/* ------------ */
main (void)
SkelInit ((SkelInitParamsPtr) nil);
SkelSetSuspendResume (SuspendResume);
/* 311 = ellipsis */
SkelApple ((StringPtr) "\pAbout DialogSkel\311", DoAppleMenu);
fileMenu = NewMenu (fileMenuID, (StringPtr) "\pFile");
AppendMenu (fileMenu, (StringPtr) "\pShow Dialog 1;Show Dialog 2;Show Doc Window");
AppendMenu (fileMenu, (StringPtr) "\pClose/W;(-;Quit/Q");
(void) SkelMenu (fileMenu, DoFileMenu, nil, false, false);
editMenu = NewMenu (editMenuID, (StringPtr) "\pEdit");
AppendMenu (editMenu, (StringPtr) "\p(Undo/Z;(-;Cut/X;Copy/C;Paste/V;Clear");
(void) SkelMenu (editMenu, DoEditMenu, nil, false, false);
DrawMenuBar ();
SkelSetMenuHook (AdjustMenus);
DocWindow (100, 125);
mDlog1 = DemoDialog ((StringPtr) "\pModeless Dialog 1", 50, 50);
mDlog2 = DemoDialog ((StringPtr) "\pModeless Dialog 2", 150, 200);
SetWRefCon (mDlog1, (long) mDlog2);
SetWRefCon (mDlog2, (long) mDlog1);
SkelSetDlogStr (mDlog1, edit1, (StringPtr) "\pModeless Dialog 2");
SkelSetDlogStr (mDlog2, edit1, (StringPtr) "\pModeless Dialog 1");
SkelSetDlogProc (mDlog1, user1, drawIconProc);
SkelSetDlogProc (mDlog2, user1, drawIconProc);
SkelSetDlogRadioButtonSet (mDlog1, radio1, radio3, radio1);
SkelSetDlogRadioButtonSet (mDlog2, radio1, radio3, radio1);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog1, check1, 1);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog2, check1, 1);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog1, check2, 1);
SkelSetDlogCtlValue (mDlog2, check2, 1);
SelectWindow (docWind);
ShowWindow (docWind);
SkelDoEvents (activMask + updateMask);
SelectWindow (mDlog1);
ShowWindow (mDlog1);
SkelDoEvents (activMask + updateMask);
SelectWindow (mDlog2);
ShowWindow (mDlog2);
SkelDoEvents (activMask + updateMask);
SkelEventLoop ();
SkelCleanup ();